This intertextual series of images follows in the footsteps of Zvyagintsev's Leviathan. The film uses Teriberka as a backdrop for its powerful social commentary and although the narrative is set in the fictional town of Pribrezhny, it tells a story common to many of Russia's isolated peripheries (Teriberka being one). ​​​​​​​
Given that this work repurposes Zvyagintsev's "leviathan" metaphor, I chose a motion picture film stock (Kodak vision3 500T) with visual characteristics similar to the one used by Zvyaginstsev to establish a direct parallel with the film. Furthermore, to visually illustrate the theme of a lingering heavy past and the perspective of the villagers, I elected to shoot using a Zenit camera and Helios lens.
In medias res - Leviathan tracks
In medias res - Leviathan tracks
What creature could cause such damage? The leviathan no doubt. Follow me on its hunt, if you dare; but keep your camera loaded, for our aim is to shoot it.
Contextualisation - Abandoned Dwelling
Contextualisation - Abandoned Dwelling
The beast made its den here not long ago, we are close.
Ever since its first sightings in the 60's, many have left, fearing the leviathan. Others have stayed, braving the elements and the beast, others still... Well, they have been less fortunate.
There are many such abandoned buildings in the settlement of Teriberka, the more there are, the more places the beast has to hide. The more people flee, the harder it has been for Teriberka to stand up to it.
Inciting incident - Zvyagintsev's metaphor
Inciting incident - Zvyagintsev's metaphor
So it seems the tracks lead to the boneyard, the beast likes to drop the carcasses of its kills here. Strange, none of these are fresh. Perhaps it is going hungry.
Curiously, this beast only eats the villagers' livelihoods, not their flesh. Where does the road lead? To Murmansk of course; it brings minivans full of hunters, sent here by Zvyagintsev's exploits hunting the leviathan. He claimed to have captured it, but sightings still continue. Who knows if he captured the true beast, or perhaps there is more than one leviathan around these parts.
Falling action - Economic transition
Falling action - Economic transition
Guides. They help hunters navigate the region's rough icy terrain. With their snowmobiles, they pull sleds full of hunters with weapons drawn; itchy fingers hover over the shutter release.
It's not just the guides, more and more of Teriberka profits from this polar safari. Hunters need roofs and warm food in such a climate, and the villagers are happy to supply.
Ambiguous resolution –
Ambiguous resolution –
Alas, the sun is setting, better head back to camp. Difficult to hunt when there is less than an hour of daylight. After all, we are nearing the end of the hunting season; few dare track the leviathan in the polar night.
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